R-A-S Industries has been providing the glazing industry with tools and accessories since 1952. We provide Special Jigs, Drill-Jigs, Router Templates, Templates for Copy Routers, Brackets, and Reinforcing Plates made to customer specifications. Any special requests or questions, please call Dick or Ricky at 610-383-5070. NOTE: This website uses Adobe PDF files for distributing catalog files. To download and print a PDF file, you will need to have the Adobe Reader software installed. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader FREE from Adobe's website (www.adobe.com).
Click here
to download a complete copy of the R-A-S Industries catalog (PDF,
83 pages, 10.4 MB)
COVER PAGE (PDF, 1 page, size 621 KB) TABLE OF CONTENTS (PDF, 1 page, size 38 KB) A. GENERAL NOTES (PDF, 3 pages, size 76 KB, general notes including router instructions) B. MASTER FIXTURES (PDF, 9 pages, size 766 KB) C. BUTT
HINGES (PDF, 9 pages, size 1.07 MB) D. MISCELLANEOUS
DOOR HARDWARE (PDF, 20 pages, size 2.6 MB) E. TOP
OFFSET PIVOTS (PDF, 6 pages, size 588 KB) F. BOTTOM
OFFSET PIVOTS (PDF, 9 pages, size 1.04 MB) G. LOCK
HARDWARE (PDF, 13 pages, size 1.58 MB) H. BRACKETS & DRILL JIGS (PDF, 5 pages, size 826 KB) J. TOOLS
& MISCELLANEOUS (PDF, 6 pages, size 1.16 MB) REVISIONS (PDF, 1 page, size 43 KB)
R-A-S Industries
PO Box 790 717
E. Chestnut St.
Coatesville, PA 19320
phone: 610-383-5070 fax: 610-380-1136
web: www.rasind.com email: ras@rasind.com